A Bit About Me And Science Communication
Science can be hard. Science can be complex. Science can even be boring. But it doesn't have to be this way.
The communication of science is every bit as important as the research. This is a philosophy I live and stand by. As such, I have made it my mission to reach out to as many as I can to share the joys of both my work and the wider scientific community in a fun, engaging and accessible manner.
By breaking down scientific jargon, explaining things in plain english for us all to understand and by incorporating human connection and storytelling, I seek to change the way science is communicated for the better.
Communicating fascinating science is my passion and it is something I truly enjoy.
Click the button below to see my science communication work in more detail:
Work with Me
Please do get in contact should you wish to work together.
I do not expect payment but should budgets allow and needs arise, financial allowances for travel, food and accommodation would be greatly appreciated.
Below are some examples of science communication work which I have been involved with in the past. I am keen to continue work in such areas in the future.

Media Presenting

Media Interviews

School & Community Group Visits

Outreach Workshops and Events


Social Media and Online Collaboration

Science Media Production